Category: Retirement

Exercise, Diet, and Financial Wellness – 3 Tips to Ensure You’re in Good Financial Health for Retirement

To maintain good physical health, most people must exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet, and keep stress to a minimum. Achieving financial wellness is no different. It requires careful planning, smart decision-making, and consistent efforts toward improvement. Below, we discuss three tips to help you gain and maintain top financial health in retirement.   Figure […]

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High-Net-Worth Retirement Planning: How Social Security Fits In

As high-net-worth (HNW) individuals approach their golden years, retirement planning often becomes a focal point of their financial strategies. One aspect of this planning that sometimes creates confusion or misinterpretation is the role of Social Security benefits. Understanding how Social Security fits into the retirement picture can be crucial for those with significant wealth as […]

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Why Your Credit Score Matters in Retirement

Regardless of the stage of life, your credit score is an essential component of your financial health when you’re in retirement. A consistently strong credit score can pave the way for greater confidence, easy loan access, and lower interest rates. Many retirees overlook the importance of maintaining a suitable credit score after they stop working […]

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You’re About to Retire: Here are 7 Tips to Stay Independent

Independence is important in retirement. The more independent retirees are, the more fulfilling their retirement is likely to be. However, living independently as you age isn’t always easy and may take some degree of planning well before you are even ready to retire. Want to ensure your chance of living independently during your retirement? Below […]

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A Look at Tax Planning for Retirement

After years of saving and planning for their golden years, many people nearing retirement fail to consider the tax burden they may face on income they receive after they stop working. While you will likely see a reduction in the amount of taxes you owe after the age of 65, you still need to plan […]

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5 Tips for Navigating Medicare in Retirement

One of the main concerns about retirement is health care. As healthcare costs continue to rise, medical bills may quickly derail your retirement plan. The good news is when you turn 65, you will be able to apply for Medicare, which provides you with coverage for some of the larger bills you may face during […]

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5 Common RMD Mistakes That Could Ruin Your Retirement

As age 73 nears, it is critical that you begin considering how you want to handle the required minimum distributions (RMDs) you are obligated to withdraw from your tax-advantaged retirement accounts, including 401(k)s, 403(b)s, 457s, and individual retirement accounts (IRAs). According to US New Money, 62% of Americans aren’t even aware that they have to […]

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Year-End Planning for Retirees

As we approach the last quarter of each year, it is a good time to plan for the next one. Year-end planning is especially important for existing retirees and those hoping to retire in the next few years. There are tax and income strategies you might consider regarding your financial assets. Here are three steps […]

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Retirement Security Starts With Visualizing Your Future

Planning for your financial future and retirement looks much different now than in previous years. Some people must supplement their Social Security to have enough to maintain their desired lifestyle. This means financial planning is now a critical component of retirement. While having a financial professional on your side is vital to managing your financial […]

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5 Expensive Long-Term Care Planning Mistakes to Avoid

The vast majority of Americans need long-term care. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 70% of people over age 65 may need some long-term care during their lives.1 Unfortunately, planning for long-term care may be confusing. To safeguard your finances, try to avoid these expensive mistakes. 1. Don’t Assume You Don’t […]

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Figuring Out a 401(k) Strategy That Works for You

Everyone wants a comfortable retirement, but the road you take there will depend on your specific situation. When you invest, you assume a certain level of risk (but like everyone you’re hoping that your holdings will increase in value). One of the most challenging aspects of investing involves matching your tolerance for risk with your […]

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3 Ways To Improve Your Finances for Self-Improvement Month

September is self-improvement month and a great time to work on your financial health. When you think of self-improvement, you likely think of your health or career but may pay little attention to your finances. Getting your financial health in order may help alleviate stress and give you some breathing room to improve your life […]

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3 Golf Tips to Keep Your Retirement Plan on Course

In golf, as in finances, there are a few rules of thumb that may improve your game: keep a level head, avoid traps, practice before trying something new and stay the course. Applying lessons from the golf course to your financial life and vice versa may help you improve your game in both arenas. Here […]

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